紐約梨園社青年團成立於2012年,是紐約梨園社下屬青年組織,成員多為在美國旅居或留學的、熱愛以戲曲為代表的傳統文化的青年。青年團的成立旨在為熱愛傳統文化的青年們提供交流與展示的平臺,以戲曲等傳統藝術為紐帶,增強華人、華裔青年的文化歸屬感。青年團通過觀摩戲曲演出、學習戲曲表演及文武場、登臺清唱彩唱、舉辦“藝苑卮言”系列講座等活動,培養青年對傳統文化的興趣,吸引青年人加入傳統文化的傳承隊伍,并在美國大學的校園中弘揚戲曲藝術,豐富紐約地區高校的藝術文化。The Youth Troupe of Chinese Opera was established in 2012. It is an affiliate of New York Chinese Opera Society. Most members of Youth Troupe are Chinese international students and young professionals dedicated to traditional culture, especially opera. The goal of youth troupe is to create a platform for communication and exhibition,foster a sense of community among young people by showcasing Peking opera and hosting workshops in schools. Youth troupe raises interests among the young people, absorbs new blood, promotes Chinese Opera art in American campus and enhances new york cultural diversity through studying professional opera performance, live performing on the stage, and hosting workshops.